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第9章 遗产揭秘
























otherworldly entities, beyond the scope of description or understanding, descend from the changing sky. It materializes in the library, an evil presence that seems to challenge the boundaries of reality. Its form is constantly changing, defying any attempt to capture it within the confines of mortal language.

the librarian, whose flesh had fused with the library's coral, was consumed by the entity. they writhed and writhed in a hideous display of grief, their forms being one with the descended entity. the eerie silence that enveloped the library was broken by the librarian's scream.

Eliandra, her mind still reeling from the revelation, finds herself caught in the middle of cosmic turmoil. the emotional gulf of anxiety is widening, and the tension builds with each passing second. he had no choice but to escape the crumbling library, to escape the evil that had been unleashed within.

with shaky steps, he retraced his path through the winding corridors of the Abyssal Library. the living coral seemed to be clawing at him, as if resisting his departure. the eerie lighting, which had cast disturbing shadows on the walls, flickered and dimmed.

outside, in the distorted reality of coralis, the townspeople remain trapped in their madness. the gulf of curiosity and fear has widened, and the tension deepens as Eliandra emerges from the depths of the library.

chapter 3 tells the continuation of Eliandra's journey in the Abyssal Library, where cosmic revelation unfolds in a series of visions. the gulf of curiosity was acpanied by growing uneasiness as the weight of revelation pressed upon him. the arrival of otherworldly entities, the use of librarians, and the chaos that ensues are meticulously documented, emphasizing the stark contrast between the known and unknown aspects of the narrative.

**chapter 4: the Fall of the Starborn Entity**

在时间的流沙中,瑟斯顿还遇到了一个幽灵——一个似乎是他感情的祖先的人。 这一集让瑟斯顿了解了干扰时间的危险、维持宇宙的微妙平衡以及干扰自然秩序的灾难性后果。

瑟斯顿遇到的时间混乱的特点是越来越多的困惑和恐惧感。 他知道自己在英克雷的行动确实与时间的障碍有关,不断的揭露,不断的贸易,违反了历史上屡次失败的事实,他对此进行了应对。

暂时的暴力变成了不可避免的折磨,不断提醒着他无情地反对心理学的结果。 瑟斯顿的心已经被飞地的谜团激怒了,又被时间的不屈不挠的愤怒所压垮。

在瑟斯顿旅程的这一章中,我们见证了大漩涡飞地范围内连接过去、现在和未来的事件。 时间的曲折,以及对个人历史的一瞥和相互矛盾的预言,不断地阻止瑟斯顿的恐惧,揭示行动的不可避免的结果。

模糊的历史清楚地提醒我们时间的脆弱性和物体的不变性。 瑟斯顿与时间考验的斗争证明了他在意识下的无情,这是对生命结构的威胁。 随着英克雷的现实被时间无情的掌控所改变,瑟斯顿不得不与观众对他的行为的焦虑以及他永恒的反抗所带来的不可逆转的后果进行斗争。

本章的高潮出现在瑟斯顿身上,他被过去和未来的自己的幻象所折磨,与时间无法满足的愤怒的压倒性瓦解作斗争。 时间扭曲,他不可抑制的意识水平的残余,证实了他在英克雷行动的结果。

在无尽苦难之城的那一年,科拉利斯的助手艾丽安德拉发现自己身处先知议会的神秘密室中。 这个团体是由拉耶希亚的宇宙力量选出的,以洞察这个领域的奥秘而闻名。

先知委员会郑重地表达了他们的理解。 这些启示虽然意义深远,但却加深了好奇心的情感差距。 它们阐明了宇宙之舞的本质和拉莱夏的存在目的,揭示了统治这个可怕领域的神秘力量。

议会中支离破碎的声音诉说着拉莱夏的混乱与秩序之间永恒的二分法。 它们揭示了这座城市的居民如何在不知情的情况下成为宇宙游戏的参与者,并受到超越理解界限的实体的操纵。

当委员会分享他们的智慧时,好奇心带来的情绪落差也伴随着越来越强烈的不安感。 这些揭露虽然具有启发性,但也提出了更多问题。 艾丽安德拉被新发现的知识压垮了,心中充满了敬畏和恐惧。

第七章客观而真实地记录了艾丽安德拉与先知议会的遭遇以及他们分享的关于拉莱赫夏宇宙现实的见解。 事件以清晰详细的方式呈现,强调叙述中已知和未知方面之间的对比。

**第 8 章:低语森林**

在永恒痛苦之城的那一年,科拉利斯的助手艾兰德拉得到了先知委员会的启示。 他被这些知识的重量压垮了,踏上了前往低语林的危险旅程,这是一片寒冷的森林,树木的嘴低语着可怕的秘密。

在低语树林的怪异深处,艾兰德拉遇到了奇怪的植物。 每棵树,都有颤抖的树枝和疯狂低语的嘴,都在向他招手。 他在树林里的存在加深了不安的情绪差距,令人不安的低语充斥着他的耳朵。

随着他探索森林深处,好奇的情绪差距也越来越大。 树木的低语中隐藏着可怕的秘密,具有神秘的诱惑力,艾丽安德拉被进一步吸引到森林的疯狂之中。


on February 19th

mr. Andrews was walking out of the control room towards the deck, a narrow passage leading to the side of the ship, when he stopped and suddenly heard familiar footsteps behind him.

Andrews turned around and saw James and trevor. the two seemed to be preparing to go on patrol, wearing waterproof and shockproof gear and carrying various tools in their backpacks.

\"Are you going on patrol too?\"


\"oh, good luck then.\"

Andrews nodded in greeting, then turned and walked down the hallway to the opposite end where he could see the sunset.

on march 15, Andrews received a radio signal from London that his old friend had finished his work and was preparing to withdraw.

\"Sorry for interrupting your vacation.\"

\"that's a nice voice, my friend. but if you want to arrange dinner for me, you'll have to book soon. because I just woke up and my stomach is growling.\"

\"hahaha, then I want to congratulate you in advance. You're finally healthy and have a chance to enjoy life.\"

\"thank you. I'll give you time soon. As you know, I'm always too busy.\"

\"well, I'm waiting in London for good news.\"

\"without a doubt, we're lucky to get back together.\"

\"Good. Goodbye.

march 16th

mr. Andrews received an email from the british Aviation Authority that a carrier helicopter had been sent to London to meet mr. Andrews and later return him to miskatonic. the news caused excitement, and the boat's engineers and medical staff insisted on returning to miskatonic University immediately, but Andrews nevertheless declined the offer, took the ship to port and chartered a small cargo ship. ta.

“You don’t want to take our ferry?”

\"No, I'd love to go home on a ship too, but I don't think there's any other means of transport in the world that can get you out of port faster.\"

\"perhaps, then, I wish you a safe journey, dear mr. Andrews.\"

mr. Andrews climbed aboard the freighter and slowly steered the vessel forward. he felt a wave of fatigue wash over him. he lay in bed and rested with his eyes closed, and his ears caught the sounds of the outside world. his head rests on his arm. In a world full of danger and fear, the only thing people can trust is their own wisdom. people believe that with enough intelligence all problems can be solved, but now Andrews is very confused. he’s trying to gather information, but other than a few photos, he has no clue. those blurry images and numbers look just like that. they have no contextual value and, in fact, are very vague and difficult to discuss.

At this time the cargo ship was anchored at the pier and the sailors and crew jumped into the pier ditch and moved to unload the cargo. mr Andrews also got off the cargo ship and came to his car parked on the beach. he pulled out his keys, pressed the unlock button, and was about to get into the car when suddenly a biting cold wind blew through the corners of his clothes and felt strange yelling in his ears. his eyes suddenly widened. what he saw was a badly rusted iron sign, black and purple, reflecting a strange light in the setting sun. It was at this moment that mr. Andrews' heart seemed to burst, and he felt a shock and lost his breath. his lip trembled and his hand reached to touch the rugged iron. but before I could touch him, he was gone forever. the process only lasted a moment as I watched his hand move in front of him. while he was stunned there, the area returned to its original position, black and empty, and he fell back into that strange and unbearable smothering. he struggled to his feet, ran to the railing of the pier, looked down and vaguely remembered that a car had just stopped at the pier and then the man got into the car and locked the doors and everything was locked. that’s gone. peace returned. mr. Andrews glanced at the other yachts in the dark moat and dock and sighed.

\"Andrews, what's wrong?\"

this was unexpected.

Aria believed.

Launch an attack with a sacred artifact.

It is like the wrath of a serpent demon.

Like the dance of souls and spirits.

the power was enough to destroy the city, and the city collapsed in an instant.

destroy what you see, destroy everything you see.

however, the older half of the fish's owner has yet to be found.

he was really lost.

Seeing this situation, Aliya did not stop and moved to another place.

Intelligent attacks destroy the surrounding land, destroying everything in sight.

After they nearly destroy Innsmouth, Arya is convinced she doesn't belong here.

cover your surroundings with red thread and protect them with magical powers.

Aria took a deep breath and sat on her knees.

\"the truth is indescribable. I know it is 'eternal reincarnation', but I am not always involved. Your thoughts have nothing to do with me, and I do not care about them. \"I do not know.? \"

\"If you can't stop it, it doesn't matter what you do with the eternal disaster. Next time you can allow reincarnation, but not this time.\"

Aria seems to have someone to talk to.

Again, this will be just a soliloquy.

\"but you got one thing wrong. It's not the 'holy' part. It's the 'holy' part. Again, it's not made, it's made, fool.\"

I don't feel any particular malice.

\"It's one of a kind.\"


\"that's strange. It seems unbelievable to me, but does it have anything to do with strange and strange?\"

\"I understand that, but how often does that happen? If I-\"

\"I forgot. It took me so long. how did you remember?\"

Aria clapped softly in a low voice.

210 Another world

\"It might be fun.\"

Aria sat on the floor, her upper body touching the floor.

he seems to have inherited a broken earth.

\"A new, unexpected world.\"

\"this kind of world has no hope for other people.\"

\"No wonder I want to die.\"

there was no one around Aria and she was alone.

It was only during the war that the world became a wasteland.

No skins.

No one could survive under such a terrible attack.

poor people too.


You can't avoid it.

Innsmouth was mired in controversy.

Everyone was killed.

the holiness of \"Aliyah\" caught my attention.

he became a spiritual weapon and destroyed himself.

No matter how long a weed lives, it is useless.

he was created by the devil, but can strengthen himself by eating souls.

but the endless flight, it is different.

In the end, that's all that matters.

It's not everything, and it's not perfect either.

\"but this world, this endless cycle of reincarnation, will end.\"

\"If you haven't found hope now.\"

As a thousand-Eyed demon, Arya knew better than the half-murloc of old.

It may be less depending on the appearance of the holy relic.

but Arya, at least, is not an outsider in the simple sense of having a relationship with an evil god.

\"And finally you will be 'me', and if you throw yourself into the hole like I did, you will finally find the eternity of your dreams.\"

Aria stopped after saying that.

he looked up.

Look at the stars in the sky.

See the stars falling to earth.

Unbeknownst to him, the corner of his mouth twitched in mockery.

\"who is the hero today? between hope and despair, which is the true hero?\"

he laughed as if mocking Nyarlathotep's plan.

the emotions of evil gods are different from the emotions of ordinary people.

his thoughts.

his thoughts.

his heart.

his feelings.

All this is inprehensible to ordinary people.

No matter how human he is, God's evil nature is different from human nature.

therefore, their actions are inprehensible.

I don't know what I really think or what I want.

mind is only as good as sight.

It is useless.

At least God's evil intentions are not seen in results alone.


that system.


his way

Not clear.

\"It's very disappointing.\"

Aria took a deep breath.

he laughed and joked, but in the end I didn't understand.

of course, he is not \"god\" yet.

only those who are not worthy of God's power are oppressed and made crazy.

\"I don't know what to do now.\"

\"Again, I don't know what to do.\"

\"there's nothing political, which is amazing.\"

\"thanks to him I was able to move on with my life.\"

\"what's up?\"

think hard about yourself.

Aria realized that everything she did was pointless.

Go forward without purpose.

what do you want

Now that I think about it, I can't remember.

In the past, you had to do it even if it meant risking your life and losing your dignity.

Even if it means taking someone's life.

Strong characters achieve their goals without hesitation, regardless of the difficulties they face.

I've always been that kind of person.

Aria thought.

In his mind, that was it.

however, this feeling was not achieved.

why don't you remember?

why should something so important go unheard?

Aria reached out and looked at the black palm.

It's amazing.

Like a giant snake buried inside his body.

the expansion of magic seems to be due to the expansion of the mind.

the magic power grew and a rumbling sound could be heard.

Alya clenched her fists and pushed hard forward.

the already divided country has suffered severe damage.

the power that divides heaven divides earth.

the melted ground retreated 300 meters.

Share where the kick is.

\"I don't remember, I forgot, I never expected.\"

the more I thought about it, the more I understood the problem.

I couldn't think anymore.

don't think about it.

Aria knew this, but she couldn't stop her thoughts.

this madness continued to fill him.

he lost his mind and a crazy idea came up.

\"hahaha, what else should I do besides wait and see?\"

\"No, no matter what I think about it, the answer is no.\"

Aaliyah's performance began to deteriorate.

\"I can't do anything, I can't do what I'm doing.\"

\"I don't have the strength, I can't do anything, I can't think of anything.\"

there is no hope itself.

the only strength you have is weakness.

Forces sent aimlessly bee weaker.

people who are aimless and useless.

Such people should not exist.

I really want to die

Aliya thought about it.

but he will never die.

Even if we forget, life has meaning.

there are also things to do.

You remember one day.

wait until you see one before stopping.

Is this not enough?

Aria was satisfied and convinced at the same time.

therefore, we should never think of throwing our lives away.

Even if you think, it is impossible.

\"when you get to the end, is there a hole? haha.\"


\"that's crazy!\"

Aliya seems to be broken.

A terrible evil magic was born.

magic rules.

In this terrible twisted magic.

the world is also distorted.

with Arya as his background, he destroys the world around him and expands it into his own world.

the kingdom of dreams has e, and the dreams of God have e to earth.

this is the Kingdom of cthulhu.

this is good news from the lord of the dream.

this is the cruelty of creation.

Enter the realm of creativity and bend the world to your will.

Understand your desires, obsessions and passions and make it an \"alien world\" with different rules.

this is the principle of Almighty God.

this is a natural level of strength.

It drags everyone into the \"other world\".

Eat and destroy everything.

At that moment, a dreamlike world appeared.

In its place, another world with different rules appears in dead Innsmouth.

mon sense doesn't work, and neither do its legal principles.

countless red-blooded skeletons appeared on the ground.

they ran and danced.

No sign of intelligence.

No sign of intelligence.

No sign of wisdom.

It is just a spirit powered by magical powers.

the dance of reincarnation and holy relics enveloped him.

Everything is controlled by Aria's will and she controls this bloody skull doll.

he stands over these skulls.

the words he had been dreaming about for a long time began to appear on his face.

black eyes floated.

the divine light in this mysterious world is amazing.

It is similar to the peak of \"heaven\".

this is the source of \"reason\" from another world.

``e!'' God opened his eyes, awakened from a deep sleep, returned from darkness, returned from eternal plagues. \"

\"Everything is in the eyes of God, and the answer is clear before the Lord my God.\"

Aria said as she stood in the sea in the sunlight and looked out at the sea.

many skulls have a boneless area.

this is not mercy.

what happens here?

through the hole.

Look inside the hole.

his true form is eternal.

countless purple ghost eyes appeared from the mouth of the hole.

he shines it like a blacklight.

Like a will, like fire in the sky, like a spark.

Fire is full of evil.

An atmosphere of chaos, tension, and sadness pervaded the tunnel.

It is like God.

this is God's way.

Something flowed out of the darkness.

A beast that defies reason and law.

- \"God\"

\"Yes, ma'am, the demon with a thousand eyes is c'thun!\"

the sea of blood swallowed them all.

the dead are resurrected and released into the other world.

countless slain half-murlocs have been resurrected and settled in Innsmouth.

but this is not true resurrection.

It's just a power doll.

they are the only dolls here that save everyday life.

the ruined Innsmouth es back to life in the \"other world\" created by Aria.

It is like rising from the ashes.

Everything seems to be back to normal.

A strange aura filled the place.

A black fog covered the area.

there is no going back now.

Satan's model for the \"other world\" is corruption.

this is just a distorted manifestation of Satan's desires and wishes.

Such ideas are not perfect.

this wonderful world created by an imperfect imagination is by no means perfect.

\"where on earth is this plane going?!\"

asked Grand cross Kuro.

At this time, the clans on the tank did not know where they were going.

At first, he didn't go to the sea because he had something to do.

It is related to work.

the ghost ship in this song seems to be heading in an unknown direction, far from its destination.

if you want the answer

there seems to be no other option but to ask the evil spirits who are guarding this ship.

but if you see someone who is very relaxed.

Kuro didn't hear it.

Even if you know it, it is impossible for another person to know.

however, this hope voluntarily left Kuro's heart.

Kuro did it slowly, not knowing that the one he asked had been replaced by another person.

If he knew that the person in front of him was actually an evil god-man, he would not be wise at all.

he no longer had to think about being cornered in deep water or risking death from a shipwreck.

pared to the evil gods, it is as safe as table food.

\"I don't know, mr. big cross, are you going to jump into the sea? the sea is where these animals live.\"

those who speak in high-handed liuri are not human.

he is the evil god of the universe, and this \"eternal reincarnation\" is a clone of Narlathotep.

In a sense, it is a shadow.

It can be said that he knows better than anyone what is happening.

\"hey, what's that?\"

Reporter Eli.

his voice trembled.

It was as if he had discovered something that he did not understand.

Although he did not know that he had bee a demon and became one of the thirteen dangerous demons.

- the color of wisdom

however, Elle, who had memorized the Necromancer's secret techniques, should not be surprised.

It must be an amazing discovery, beyond imagination.

\"what happened?\"

Kuro-chan was shocked.

At first he didn't understand what was happening, so he asked.

the meaning of the question changed, El seemed to know something.

Elle closed her eyes.

Kuro, who once lived as a descendant of an “elder god,” did not realize that he knew nothing about him.

those who bee ``God'' will surely embody glory.

however, Elle begins to doubt her thoughts.

Is this person a demon like the \"raven\" or an ancient god?

It can truly be called a \"miracle.\"

many accidents and miracles.

Even an evil god cannot perform miracles on his own.

In a way, everything Elle thought was true.

If you can do it slowly, that's fine.

- Not necessarily an eternal reincarnation.

Ai Lu's eyes had a strange light, as if he was thinking of something terrible.

he seemed unsure of whether to say anything.

his eyes were fixed on Innsmouth.

In fact, Elle will see the wonderful world that the devil has discovered.

but does it need to be said?

this time Elle was confused.

In the end, Elle decided not to speak up and used other reasons as excuses and explanations.

\"haven't you noticed yet? this ship is headed for a cursed land.\"

211 cursed Land

Elle said it well.

Even if they are hiding the truth, it is not something that can be taken lightly.

once you accept your misfortune, it's not funny.

but Kuro was not bothered by the disfort.

It looks like it will still be locked.

of course, there are situations when you are so shocked that you don't know what to say.

Kuro's words at this point seem to indicate the latter assumption.

because he answered the question as if there was no answer.

\"A cursed place?\"

Kuro seems ignorant, but that shows the truth.

Elle closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

he finally understood why they were different from each other. one by one. they came to an agreement, but in the end he didn't.

maybe it's because someone doesn't understand what you mean or what you're saying.

Even if it sounds like a bad word.

but if you do not understand the true meaning, your eyes will be filled with confusion.

In fact, such behavior is often seen in unfaithful people.

In fact, I don't know if I should say that his mind can't think at all.

more needs to be said

Elle soon abandoned this way of understanding.

Instead of thinking about human head systems, Elle still has sentience.

I better explain it directly.

\"Now, where is this cursed place, this darkness and madness? where exactly is it? I don't know.\"

\"Anyway, you don't plan to run away, do you?\"

the Eye of El is a strange sight that reminds people of a bad life.

besides, I wanted to run away, it was too late.

Elle's voice grew more threatening.

It is similar to the tone used to tell ghost stories.

\"Is it too late?\"

Kuro seems to understand the problem.

his eyes were on the plane.

It has no life.

but there was one thing that made him better.

but Kuro was not afraid.

It is not that there is no way to identify \"fear.\"

It is the expression of a person who believes in something and stands firm without fear.

Fear is not only due to human ignorance.

this is true courage, the courage that es from overing fear.

Elle saw this and nodded with satisfaction.

he was not confused by the magical power of the \"master of the secrets of the dead.\"

It is not an abomination to fear them and be destroyed.

Even if he knew what was ing to him, he could move and stir up the liquid demon.

Elle was sure that person would be considered her witch.

I stopped to look at the memories left by the old gods and ravens.

this time Elle really knew someone.

It was like the wizard he knew himself to be.

Not because you value someone for that reason, but because of their ability to deal with dark things.

No matter how good a person is, there is no point in retreating in the face of darkness.

whether it's magic, magical powers, or a mysterious body, Elle, who knows the secrets of the dead, can reach another person.

but there was one thing he didn't do.

In other words, Elle can't just treat her opponent like a puppet, but she can control and counter her opponent.

this is a wonderful book experience.

this is also a disadvantage of magic books.

If you can't do that, is this book amazing?

Elle couldn't think of such a thing, and didn't think it should be done as a magic book.

there is no agreement expressed verbally.

Elle said with an angry face.

\"So, you haven't noticed? this place.\"

Just as Elle changed direction with her finger, the sea also changed direction with her finger.

It's no exaggeration to say it's dirty.

A ghost ship is sailing the sea.

A ghostly apparition caught the plane.

In this case, there is no escape.

this is because it is not directly different from fleeing enemy territory.

Like a storm, the eyes are the weakest link.

this is also true.

descending into the depths of the wilderness is the best way to survive.

of course, Elle's thoughts don't make sense to other people.

however, when we think about magic books, they exist to destroy the \"evil\" seen in the eyes of others and create a new, good world.

this idea is not so surprising.


hearing El's words, Kuro immediately turned his attention to his surroundings.

but nothing suspicious was found.

he did not bee a mage, did not feel like the secret master of the dead, he was invisible to the omniscient clan.

A weak magical power appears in his body, but it slows down as he faces the \"other world\" that distorts the real world.

\"Yes, it seems that this place has been corrupted by dark forces. It has bee a habit. these laws are being broken, so I'm even worried that the wrong law has been broken. but they don't really know. what's the difference between that and the truth?\"

\"man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, and the sky follows nature. Even if nature wanders, what is not destroyed?\"

Elle said that softly and quietly, but Kuro didn't hear it.

the volume of sound is actually very low, and bined with the sound of the surrounding waves, it is actually a culture that is almost inaudible.

before Kuro could ask, he heard another voice.

\"what are you talking about?\"

A man who speaks the truth is a man who is like an idol of an evil god.

Nayako spoke as a person.

mr. Kuro, who had not yet seen the names of other political parties, was not ready to continue.

however, when Elle saw the true face of this man, she would never say good words to him.

Until now, Elle would have fought to the death if there was no way to defeat her.

however, speaking in a negative tone, such a lack of power and elu is still possible.

\"can you sit down and just calm down? or just stop interrupting me so often?\"

of course, Noyako did not accept such bad behavior.

this is because Nanako knows that another person has the same name as her.

he is the devil

Nayako already knew the answer.

we already know the answer, but this may not be the case.

but what if that answer actually indicates putting out the fire?

Nayako watched the scene while the others revealed their answers.

Grimoire elves always have it to ward off evil.

If you know that you are a criminal who \"needs to be destroyed\", it is certainly an interesting situation.

Nayako thought to herself. he also hopes that this prediction will e true.

things like this happen sometimes.

the world is turning on itself, and ``the way it is'' rules the world, so I think it's interesting that there is an ``evil god'' that is different from ordinary people.

Nanako seemed happy.

he is innocent and pure, but also evil.

this conflicting harmony is the essence of the evil god that appears as the substance of owen's world.

\"Alright, you can start at the beginning. there's still some information I want to share with you about this.\"

he apologized.

he seems to enjoy watching others regret.

he looked evil, as if he was thinking something bad.

If he is poor, he will not think to ask.

because that is clearly a selfish act.

but there are also rascals who like to hear cute girls excitedly make fun of themselves, and who knows how nature studies can't do such silly things?

Even if you want the other person to tell you the answer, this idea is safer than asking directly.

\"princess Ruri? do you know me?\"

but some people don't know how to read the situation.

It was a man named daishiro.

(I can't say that, Kuro)

It makes sense, but why can't someone else understand?

Is self-deprecation good for praise?

Elle's eyes were suspicious.

\"maybe it's just my imagination. by the way, did you know there are superstitions in Innsmouth?\"

contrary to what Elle expected, Nayako spoke in a serious tone.

those are not stupid words.

these words are often used when municating with people.

(did he mean it?)

At this moment, El thought about the cause of the others' voices.

however, this plan depends on the opponent and is useless no matter how you look at it.

If you continue until the end, the result will be good.

Elle pushed her feelings aside.

\"do you have faith?\"

then, it was Eri, not Nanako, who answered.

\"In particular, it's a secret idolatrous cult called the cult of dagon.\"

Elle talks about the heart.

Yes, that is mon sense.

murloc issues other than deep dives are not up for debate in the magical world.

It's no secret.

It is better for you to say such nonsense to Eru himself than to have someone else say it to you.

\"hey, why are you saying my line? but forget it, it's not anonymous information.\"

Nanako was surprised at first, but soon her expression turned sad.

It seems that speaking has bee a very difficult task for him.

better not to do such a thankless thing.

he seems to be thinking too, and it es through in his words.

\"In short, a group of desperate people.\"

Nanako didn't smile, and her voice was very cold.

however, the hatred and contempt in his eyes never disappeared.

For Kuro, it was unknown.

because in Kuro's understanding, Noyako is not \"god.\"

She is only a woman and an incredibly weak person.

why would such a person not respect a mythical creature and why would he be able to manifest such a vision?

It was something Kuro couldn't understand.

Again, this action planted a seed of doubt in the Klan's mind.

doubt the other person's credibility.

I doubt who I was yesterday.

but there is no way to explain this question.


to distract him from his thoughts, Kuro continued to question him.

\"Yes, that's anger. You're so simple, aren't you?\"

he didn't seem confident enough to continue the conversation, thinking in his heart that there was no need to explain things like that.

but Kuro decided to answer him, as he knew he didn't understand.

\"For praying to an evil god shows despair.\"

\"Everything seems to be there.\"

\"It doesn't matter if you're a human or a monster.\"

\"the good news about the evil god is not something they can accept, because the evil god is equal to eternal life, and its magic power will destroy the world and make it a world with different laws.

\"So they can do anything in front of others, and they are educated and powerful.\"

\"but all this is achieved through fundamental contradictions and distortions. Is this good news for organisms still in a \"normal\" state?\"

Elle continued to speak as if she could feel her heart.

he was right.

Kuro once had this idea.

however, that thought disappeared like a cloud in the next moment.

(If Elle had to go through this, what would she be like now?)

Kuro immediately dismisses this crazy idea.

but does it really make sense?

Good news about the evil god, the will of the evil god, and the magical power of the evil god.

what does this mean?

this is not \"mon sense\".

So, they just raise the \"stakes\".

For better or worse, it is not the result of \"wisdom.\"

212 warranty

\"It is an unfathomable despair. only the abyss can give good light, hopeless light, despair.\"

Kuro felt hurt when he heard L's voice, but now he has no excuse for this strange thing.

this was because, pared to this \"surprise\", L's words attracted Kuro's attention more.

Again, that warning language seems to have another meaning.

\"dagon believes that God is the Father and creator, and that has not changed.\"

Somehow, Kuro understood that Elle's words were more than a reference to the diver.

- that seems like a personal statement.

Kuro thought and laughed.

he thought to himself and laughed.

(how is that possible? how is that possible?)

Kuro didn't think he could do that.

It's probably just imagination.

this is because Elu is not the type of person to seek good news from an evil god.

how could El, who did not expect salvation from God, accept God's words?

It can't be, it's not true.


- there must be a disagreement.

Jiuro could only think, but at the same time he denied his own stupid idea.

however, Giulo was inspired and saw it through.

It may not be an illusion.

this negative thought was planted in Kuro's mind on purpose.

Such an idea seems wrong, but Giulo can't seem to avoid it.

Kuro decided to ignore his thoughts and concentrate on Elle's words.

\"therefore they are useless to the gods.\"

\"It's not a gift of love, it's not a parent-child relationship, it's a star-to-star relationship.\"

Elle gives a wonderful example.

It was a strange parison, but Kuro understood what Elle was trying to say.

\"that's it. maybe I didn't mean it clearly. maybe I didn't say anything confusing.\"

Elle found nothing strange in his words.

Kuro was speechless.

the one who answered that was not mr. Kuro.

\"but really, there's no need to worry about the so-called 'evil god'. please believe me.\"

Nayako smiled.

he spoke with an unfathomable confidence, a rare confidence.

these all seem like valid arguments.

It's like talking.

Yes indeed.

It's very strange.

It's very strange.

Kuro didn't understand why he could believe that.

the confusion grew.

Elle also closed her eyes.

--Isn't that the head of the evil god in front of you?

Elle looked at him as he confidently spoke.

did the evil god man say that the evil god cannot be \"recovered\"?

that's ridiculous.

Elle looked at each other.

Kuro also noticed the sight.

doubt grew in my mind.

\"but it's worth noting.\"

You seem to appreciate the other person as well.

he said this in a hoarse voice.

he didn't pay much attention, it just seemed like a conversation.

I just say what I think and don't expect others to understand or agree with me.

\"this unusual aura suggests that something unthinkable is happening.\"

this time, Elle's voice was neutral.

Kuro felt that the situation was strange.

this situation is not new.

Everything around me seemed so heavy, the color of the sky turned gray and I felt restless.

No starlight, no stars, no moon.

I heard the waves crashing against the boat.

the shaking of the ruins also attracted attention.

Kuro felt pain and his piercing felt like a needle.

\"Is that unthinkable? It's scary to think about.\"

of course, there is the question of whether what the other person is saying is true or just an imaginary threat.

pared to the feeling of not knowing the future, Kuro felt the same fear because of their marriage.

\"So you want to run away?\"

Elle asked.

two eyes that looked like fireworks in the whole world stared at Kuran.

An inhuman appearance.

A vision similar to seeking God.

Kuro stared into L's eyes.

there was no confusion or fear in his heart.

maybe he was scared because of the last situation.

however, when he looked into Ayle's eyes, that feeling disappeared.

It is not suitable for magic without substance.

because L is his magic book and rival magician.

It is believable.

You don't have to worry about someone else's marriage.

After learning this, Kuro is no longer afraid.

\"I'm kidding you? how can you escape this time?\"

Kuro said that he was worried about that.

the idea of running away was not in the other person's mind.

but he doesn't go where he wants to go.

but he thought that if Elle was expecting, Kuro wouldn't have run away.

As he faced blackrod's enemy, he chose to fight rather than run away.

Kuro answered the rest of the party.

\"Yeah, there's no going back now.\"

\"we'll have to deal with it eventually though.\"

Elle didn't say anything to Kuro, but it seemed like she was the only one who said it.

this seems so irrelevant.

Elna's silver voice was full of despair and helplessness.

Jiuro didn't understand why the other person suddenly spoke in such a tone.

It is different from others.

the El he knew was not like that.

I don't trust Elle's speech at this point.

he is like a soldier who goes to the pit, not knowing whether he will live or die.

\"however, it doesn't matter.\"

Kuro said.

If he doesn't say anything this time, Kuro will regret being the ``Secret master of the dead''.

As a Grimoire master, he had created a great burden on the Grimoire Elves.

Such behavior is very bad.

Kuro also knew it was bad.

he himself spoke only such weak words.

but there is more to it than that.

At least he wants to help others.

\"Isn't that important?\"

I met Elle's eyes.

Although I was filled with negative emotions, I also found hope.

Elle shivered.

but it is not easy.

he just stared at her.

Even the muscles in his face seemed to be trying to tell a convincing story.

but no matter how you look at it, it's impossible.

Kuro felt unfortable when he heard those words.

he suppressed his thoughts and continued to speak.

people like him have nothing to offer but stories and life.

\"Yeah, have you ever seen someone you could beat since then?\"

Kuro seems to want to congratulate Elle.

but are such languages really useful?

Kuro doubted himself.

but he can prove it.

In this way, daishihiro continued to speak.

\"the blasphemous statue in the black Sanctuary that appeared at the time, was it Lord tryon, or the cross that appeared later...\"

\"A rookie like me can't beat him. Every opponent is a disappointment for me. As a person, I never expected to face such a big opponent.\"

\"I should have lived a normal life, but I got into all this trouble. I'm afraid, I hate, I even hate the way you brought me into this world.\"

\"but now I don't have such thoughts. I prefer to say 'I know.'\"

\"It's been my whole life, and it's happened at least a thousand times before.\"

hearing Kuro's words, Elle stopped for a moment.

I thought about it for a while, but I didn't know what he was talking about.

but Elle had other ideas for the first part.

\"but you are already a master of the art of the dead.\"

Kuro suddenly interrupted L's story.

\"maybe, but I was really scared at the time.\"

\"I was called the Lord of the Secrets of the dead, but at that time I had no knowledge or confidence in the world of magic, because I knew who I was.\"

\"I'm not that talented of a magician, and I wasn't born with the ability to control magic.\"

Kuro said what he had been thinking for a long time.

``I'm afraid of magic, and I'm very afraid of the ``kingdom of God'' that magic represents.

\"therefore, being the 'Lord of the Secrets of the dead' is something I cannot imagine.\"

\"Actually, it's a miracle that I still have the courage to fight.\"

this was Kuro-chan's idea.

he suddenly became a necromancer master, but that was not true.

Like dreams, reality has no meaning.

powerful magic, voice, and physical strength.

Innovations include God, disaster Robot, Sky of men, Lord tryon, and more.

these people had no chance to meet the old Kuro.

So, all this is false like a dream.

Kuro wasn't as good at math as Aria thought.

this is not a mathematical result, just a systematic result.

this is the definition of \"eternal reincarnation.\"

this is the \"ruling\" given by the evil god Nyarlathotep.

You cannot break the \"laws\" of the cycle.

Elle's eyes widened when she heard clan's words.

It won't kill him yet.

If you e across something like that,

Elle knew the danger.

Apparently some have a black aura on their body.

why are they still poor?

Elle never thought that way, so she was unaware of Kuro's suppressed dreams.

witches' mon sense is human poison.

It is impossible for humans to understand the contents of a magic book.

this is because people block inspiration to protect themselves.

If a person who does not understand the ``mystery'' tries to forcefully interpret the mystery, it will lead to destruction.

\"however, there are groups that can remove this restriction, and the so-called 'trojan horse' has such employees.

Nayako spoke quietly, but no one heard her.

\"So why?\"

Elle asked Kuro.

he wanted to know what the man was thinking.

\"because I believed in El-kun, because I believed in El-kun who believed in me.\"

\"Even if you don't always want to fight and fight with everyone, even if you've heard of it.\"

\"No matter how much we fight, there is no bright future. I believe in El-kun.\"

Kuro's words shocked L's heart.


\"I'm very scared now, but maybe I'm not as brave and fearless as you or I think.\"

Kuro paused for a moment.

he thought for a moment and looked at Elle with cold eyes.

Elle's eyes also closed.

\"but you have to. Elle, don't your words show that?\"

\"You came here because you believed in me, so even if I don't believe in myself, I need someone who believes in me to believe in me.


Elle's cheeks were hot and flushed.

the man's words seemed to change his mind.

After thinking for a moment, Elle made a decision.

\"then please believe me, believe yourself, Kuro.\"

peace returned.

213 of him

Suddenly there was applause.

\"that's it, you two. I'm not saying I'm optimistic or that you two know each other.\"

\"his soul is inplete and replaced, and he is not himself. that is why you must remain friends (lovers) too.\"

Nayako said while waving her hands as if reading the prepared script.

with the harshness on his face, he looked like a stranger.

the movements he showed.

what does he feel?

this insider doesn't have to do anything and just answers from the viewer's perspective.

this sound of cacophony and harmony caught the attention of both men.

A situation that started well suddenly fell apart.

Kuro and Elle both looked at him.

Unlike before, now they both realized that there was something wrong with this man.

however, unlike El who knows his true identity, Kuro is very suspicious.

At this point, these questions cannot help but arise.

\"Ruri-san, what are you talking about?\"

Kuro didn't understand the situation, but he understood the conflict in this moment.

- didn't find it?

\"however, there is still time before the game is finished, and although some people now want to object to the table, we cannot predict that the script will be released normally.\"

Nanako's face was ugly, as if she had seen something terrible.

this statement is similar to predicting the behavior of other animals, which humans cannot do.

If Elle had seen the condition of the man, maybe she would also understand that there is something wrong with the world.

the man who manipulates the polyhedron of light and creates positive and negative energy is none other than master Kuro.

besides, this is a situation where I don't want to be seen as a clone of an evil god.

the data generated above is already worrying.

however, these words did not last long.

After a while, he returned to his normal form.

None of them noticed Nayako's strange words.

\"but Kuro-niisan, I understand.\"

\"You must understand that the 'God' and 'Satan' hiding inside your soul are things of the past.\"

\"Even if you don't remember, there are countless incidents that happened through education. You need to understand.\"

\"besides, this isn't the first time I've met mr. Sekaikuro.\"

Nayako has a bad look, but it's not hidden and really bad.


It's not bad.

A large amount of pressure is released from the other person's body.

Like a whore.

God's punishment is like thunder.

Nanako's body lit up.

A person cannot have such an aura.

No, in short, can people be called people if they are better than people?

the criteria for judging people can be divided into two.

body and spirit.

both are inevitable.

No matter how much you think of yourself as a person, if one of you is gone, you are not a person.

there is no information that Nayako's remains are human.

however, that spirit is so great that even if it swallows the souls of many people, it cannot reach it.

because this spirit is above the average level of people.

his spiritual will corresponds to astral consciousness.

what Kuro is facing is an evil that threatens to affect the entire civilization.

If you are not careful, your character will be seriously injured and helpless.

\"well, I don't think I need to point that out. I swear to God, I forgot the question.\"

Nayako is not dead yet.

he seems like a good kid, but his sense of alienation only increases.

he said.

his voice was still shaking, but there was an indescribable fear in that beautiful voice.

\"Am I really the girl?\"

this sound, this feeling, this fear.

It suddenly ignited all of Kuro's nightmares and doubts.

A great feeling flared up in his heart, and soon the family's heart was filled.

\"who are you\"

he was bound by confusion, a dream that broke out in his mind.

Great excitement arose in Kurou's heart.

this feeling was the same when Lord tryon appeared in human form.

the petitors are \"alien\" animals that are superior to humans.

Although he is called a \"god\", he is not a monster.

Nanako's body floated.

A great pressure is slowly released from your body.

tree-like position.

Apparently, one of the party appears to be in good condition.

however, due to the tunnel-like darkness and high pressure, Kuro did not recognize the other person as a person.

I lost all my thoughts.

what Kuro was left with was a dark and confused man.

Kuro finished, unfazed by his initial thought.

\"have you stopped pretending? don't you hate the days of pretending to be human?\"

It seems that Elle has known this man's true identity for a long time.

\"I don't like that.\" Elle knows everything.

Kuro was very surprised by this.

he didn't expect Elle to be the first to know.

Kuro isn't stupid, you can't understand it if you think about it a little.

Elle here is weird and out of control.

If my guess is right, it looks like it could.

Kuro's voice trembled.

Not out of fear.

Just because I met an evil god with a human body.

this is a traditional mathematical solution.

\"50, you know?\"

why didn't you speak?

Kuro thought to himself.

``I watched from the beginning, but I didn't say anything because I was afraid of what this monster would do. If the monster starts killing people here, it will not be possible at the current level.'' . Let's do it. \"

\"tell Kuro, I don't know where he came from.\"

\"Is that possible?\"

Kuro found a strange word.

For monsters, you should use \"it\".

And he must ask God to show him \"what.\"

with that, Kuro felt that the man had bee evil.

Nanako laughed when she realized what Kuro understood.

he smiled broadly.

\"Yes, he is or he is not.\"

Nanako scoffed, thinking about revealing the truth to Kuro.

however, Elle finally reacted.

\"the evil god is one of the ninety-nine faces of Nyarlathotep, and a demon who is one of Su-Sia's avatars.\"

El reveals her name as Nayako.

but why should he know about \"Su xia\"?

For Kuro, this was an issue worth considering.

however, Kuro's trust in Elle gets in the way of his thinking.

\"please call me Nayako.\"

Nanako said with a smile.

blue eyes filled with darkness.

darkness of light, darkness of despair.

what is hidden inside this body is not a person.

Kuro saw clearly.

the darkness that came out of his body showed it again.

\"Even if I don't like the scene, these characters that people think of at first bee my opinion, and it doesn't seem like that's a good thing.\"

\"I am very concerned about this problem.\"

there was no shame in Nayako's face when she said it, as if she was the only one saying it.

his smile never stopped.

\"but I cannot accept what es from God alone. It is the will of heaven for me, and it es from God. As God, I have no reason to rebel or resist.\"

Nayako continued.

the idea of a one-dimensional evil god is the first to disappear.

Is this really God?

they seem to have doubts in their hearts.

Elle also began to feel that the existence of God was a little different from her understanding.

but the bad thing is, that fact cannot be denied.

Elle needed to know that, that was enough.

he didn't need to know anything.

In fact, he is a creative force that destroys evil.

bad systems are not an important part of Elu.

At that, Elle looked at each other and said nothing.

\"Actually, it's not a crime to hear that I'm a dead man. If some of the factors that cause the disease are broken, then I've been a man for 16 years.\"

\"maybe it's time for you. but you remember me.\"

changing the number of reasons does not necessarily change other people's opinions.

Such magic cannot be called a \"familiar effect.\"

Let's look at the past and see what the future holds.

travel through different times and spaces and change the direction of the future and the past.

this type of adjustment is the magic of changing cause and effect.

of course, it is not necessary to actually experience this change through simulation.

but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

In this way, Uchiko returned to the world 16 years ago and became a 16-year-old girl.

Let's apply the human condition to our time today.

It can be said that the situation of these two people is not a lie.

but what happened to this broken world?

In the conflict between the abnormal and normal worlds, perhaps abnormal methods and influences will dominate and change reality.

but for some animals that live throughout time and space, it is irreplaceable.

there is no way to unite them, because it is not something that is not in the world, and of course it is against the goals of the world powers.

El is the devil and the body of wisdom.

they are 13 terrible demons.

the devil of the god who pollutes the color of the evil god and bees impure is an existence outside the world, just like the evil god.

Even death can keep them from joining the world for a while.

this is because Satan is nothing but a puppet controlled by the evil god.

Yes, it's the same for me.

Nayako thought to herself.

they are all ordinary people bound by a \"heavenly purpose.\"

Nayako doesn't consider herself to be kind or angry, but she has these feelings.

he didn't have this feeling of weakness afterwards.

For a person, the individual is his essence, everything else is secondary, but it is replaced.

the thought of ``I'' is the real ``I.''

however, order means nothing to an evil god.

their essence, like mind itself, is a god of chaos, and their attributes are almost limitless.

he cannot be replaced, and he is not the only one who can be named after a character that es from God.

Nayako didn't know what that was.

can you name what es from God?

If possible, can we call it all Yog-Sothoth?

perhaps because the end was near, those unrealistic thoughts began to grow in Noyako's heart.

\"And it's not magic that confuses the minds of others, but magic that confuses and affects your own mind. of course, that's because I want to try it.\"

Nayako quickly dismissed these unnecessary assumptions.

\"Unless it's an accident, chrollo's younger brother, El Azif, should be the last case.\"

\"he must also think, because he is also a great councilor who has fallen into eternal danger and has no way out.\"

\"After finding the wrong answer between the two influences of good and evil, he began a new path.\"

\"-Internal destruction\"

\"mr. tryon, who has the ability to abolish the laws imposed by Nyarlathotep, must undergo eternal reincarnation to understand the law of 'eternal reincarnation.'\"

In this case, the oute seems determined.

\"the presence of a god is needed here, even if it is the clone of an evil god.\"


Kuro plained.

It seems we still don't know what happened between the clone and the evil god.

this is normal. there is no way that someone far from the world of magic, struggling in an endless cycle of reincarnation, could understand such a thing.


Kuro whispered, but Nayako confirmed his other opinion.

\"they're just clones, but it's always a clone that 'he' left his legend in the world in the first place.\"

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Noyako smiled as if she understood the other person's question.

\"If a 'god' who has reached eternity can spread throughout the world forever and take over the real world, people will be able to directly observe it and have to sit on the ground. Isn't it strange? ?exists?” Are there any sane signs left?”

Although the gods are powerful and omnipotent, and their existence corresponds to the infinite universe connected to them, such beings can still be observed by humans, and such beings can still cause the world. with such It cannot exist in a world with such. signs. . It's hard to find, and when you think about it, it's rare.

If such a force exists in the universe, its path of existence is as bright as a star.

why is it such a mon disaster these days? It's amazing when you think about it.

If this is really God, what does his magical power and might do?

It's just a guess, but Kuro believes there is no difference between gods and goddesses in mythology.

of course, in reality this animal is more than that.

\"what on earth are you talking about?\"

Elle seems to be deaf, said Nayoko.

Elle scolds Nayako, but she is not angry.

this is really interesting.

\"destroyer, I will show you what the real enemy is.\"

this is the truth, and there is no lie in what Nayako said.

First, because of such a process, the truth must be discovered at every step.

however, Nayako skips this step.

however, this may be irrelevant in the final episode.

If this \"last stage\" is true.

Now, Nayako doesn't believe it will happen as she thought.

It is possible.

because even though there are many opportunities and miracles, if the plan doesn't e true, no one will wait for you.

Also the evil god Nyarlathotep.

Nayako knows that it is impossible to continue based on \"existing knowledge.\"

Everyone is different.

And the main evidence of this is that Narlathotep allowed other evil gods to enter this world and enter this \"eternal reincarnation\".

Shadow of Yog-Sothoth - Unlimited Supply.

what does it mean that the soul of Yog-Sothoth entered this world? Nayako believed that this answer would be answered without thinking.

time and space are distorted, the past changed, and the future reaches an unknown destination.

therefore, oshikuro did not enter the state.

this is because the consciousness left over from the ``eternal tragedy of reincarnation'' is not always present.

Nayako paused for a moment to think about it, then continued.

\"the things called gods and evil gods are never seen. however, the signs of their existence are here.\"

\"memories of the world, ancient documents.\"

\"None of this is real, it's an illusion created by the evil clone god's magic.\"

\"these assumptions also apply to everyday things.\"

Nayako looked angry.

the so-called clone of the evil god is actually the spirit of the evil god.

maybe it's part of the evil god.

It is not better than others.

\"In fact, we can still witness and recognize the existence of evil gods.\"

After saying that, Nanako stopped.

Kuro was surprised by Nanako's words and immediately asked.

\"Father now? where?\"

Kurou's eyes looked pink, but that was unusual.

In general, observing the presence of evil gods is bad.

Let's say I have the ability to see the presence of evil gods.

doesn't it mean the same thing?

I am the evil god of darkness.

\"the whole world, you idiot.\"

Noyako gave the answer that Kuro could never have imagined.

\"the laws of physics that you hear and follow are from God.\"

\"the whole world is an 'other world' created by the gods. It is an 'other world' of demons with different laws.\"

\"Satan's 'other world' controls a small part of the world and its expansion is limited.\"

\"however, the evil god's 'other world' is not a kingdom, but a replacement. It is a different world that has replaced the entire world and continues to appear.\"

Nanako's words were horrible.

maybe it's not scary.

but if the whole world is a different world of evil gods, then that's good.

Is there hope in this world?

Is there hope for salvation in a world like this?

his words weighed heavily on me.

Kurou didn't think about the possibility that these words were a lie, and he didn't think it was necessary to lie to another person.

So this kind of \"truth\" is definitely difficult.

Elle's face also paled a bit.

Although Elle thinks the same - it's dangerous for her.

however, if you think about it, you will realize that this is not possible.

this is because the magic power controlled by the current opponent is enough to suppress both of them.

Furthermore, even before the Evil God was described as such, when the Evil God node was considered a god, these beings were evil to El.

So, there is no reason to overdo it.

No matter how great the loss of hope, no matter how great the infinity, it will be eternal in the future.

Now Elle proves that her efforts are not a lie, but the truth, and there is no need to doubt.

\"this time it's not an ordinary ritual, and it's not something as simple as a moral person summoning an evil god. don't be fooled by appearances. maybe there is truth this time.\"

After Nanako said with a laugh, her body was enveloped in darkness and her eyes disappeared as if swallowed by a hole.

El noticed that the party had left.

the disfort caused by Naneyko's words did not go away just because Naneyko was gone.

Elle is still scared, scared, scared of this future.

because Nayako's words are equivalent to knowing her future.

the future Elle knows es from crow's memories.

what he wanted to deny was the ing disappointment.

Elle sees the true evil god.

It is not God's bond, it is not God's shadow.

but God is infinite.

the evil god is Nyarlathotep.

At the end of this eternal disaster, when the crow appeared as a demon, the true nature of the evil god was revealed.

Elle hoped it was just an illusion.

but when Elle thought about what the man said, she understood.

A crow's memory may not lie.

Elle, who once wanted to run away and reject such a fate, seems to accept him.

he sat beside her with hesitation.

\"this train hasn't stopped yet, so what's going on?\"

\"this man is an example of 'God'.

As everyone knows, Elle leads this statement.

maybe Elle was thinking the same thing.

Kuro is just a person who doesn't understand God's work yet.

\"In short, the woman you knew died a long time ago. She replaced the original woman, and the chain of causation was broken.\"

El explained in detail, but it was clear.

that information seems useless.

\"So this time you know who it is, and who it is.\"

\"So there's no need to be sad. You don't know the woman who was killed is missing. Sometimes you do something you don't know. that's happy too.\"

After Elle said, she was sad.

\"maybe, I don't know, but in the future something unknown will replace me and every sign of my life will be the presence of another, if not in my mind.\" Juran, you don't even remember that, you're really stupid, I feel sorry for you. \"

El's voice was as sad as the last speaker.

After this, it is not clear if he will survive.

Simply put, if life is possible, it's no wonder we have such thoughts.

the future is where the wickedness of God descends.

If what Uchiko said wasn't a lie, it was true.

this is probably the biggest challenge in Elle's life.

You cannot win, and there is no way to measure your winnings.

Another person can also play the role of the evil god.

Elle is afraid that her life will be meaningless beyond death.

Like Naiko.

Erase the person's mark and replace it with your own.

It's never boring when you have a day like this.

maybe someone replaced me because of ignorance, but I still don't understand.

what will happen?

Elle quickly dispelled this suspicion.


Kuro spoke loudly.

Elle's eyes lit up.

I looked at Jiuro as if I wanted to know how someone could say such a thing.

his eyes told her that these words were not just a joke.

\"You will never forget me, Elle.\"

\"but reality won't change the way you want it to, Kuro. Even if you're the master of my body, you'll pletely forget about it. I have no doubt.\"

that being said, Elle's expectations were not wrong.

It's not that I didn't expect it, I just didn't say it because I wasn't right.

but his words revealed what he was thinking.


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